All dates are tentative and may change over time
1.0 Release
The Projected Full release of Apacies! This will include mostly polish of the combat, movement and story, but also Including the final encounters to wrap up the story.
Beta 1.9- Music and Visuals
More sound effects, volume controls, and particles will add flare to the journey you will embark.
Beta 1.8- Characters and Locations
Character animations will finally catch up to the actions they can perform! You will be able to see a character hold out a lantern, and NPCs will look at you when they run. I’ll also be adding in specialty buildings like San Xavier, and UofA’s Old Main.
Beta 1.7- Variation
The focus will be on making the game look more appealing by giving different things more variation. Be it buildings of attacks; you will see more differences that will hold more information, be it what type was an attack, or who lives in this home.
Beta 1.6- Story Beats and Balance
Story missions will the the main focus! You will be able to work with 1 or more of the factions to gain their trust in preparation towards the final confrontation.
Beta 1.5- World Building
A lot of Overworld adjustments in this update! I will be continuing to work on lighting for a possible day and night cycle, creating and editing heavy encounter areas (such as the pitmines), and redesigning human characters (again).